Congenital Deformities
Many congenital ear deformities are noticeable at birth and affect the shape, function and position of the ear. Most ear birth defects can be corrected within the first few weeks of life. Left untreated, deformities of the ear can cause hearing loss and social difficulty for your child. Pediatric ENT of Oklahoma treats children with many types of ear deformities, including these common birth defects:
- Anotia
- Constricted ears
- Cryptotia
- Ear tags
- Ear hemangiomas
- Earlobe deformities
- Protruding ears
- Microtia
- Stahl’s ear
The doctors at Pediatric ENT of Oklahoma have decades of experience correcting congenital ear deformities. Early evaluation is critical so your baby’s development continues on track.
Ear Infection
Ear infections are one of the most common childhood illnesses. These bacterial or viral infections which affect the space around the ear drum are often painful because of fluid in the middle ear. Frequent and recurring pediatric ear infections can be cause for concern because of the potential for hearing loss. Children are more susceptible to ear infections dur to their immature immune system, anatomy and exposure to multiple pathogens.
Symptoms of ear infection:
- Fever
- Nighttime crying
- Trouble sleeping
- Difficulty hearing
- Fluid leaking out of ears
For more information on ear infections, click HERE.
If you suspect your child might have an ear infection, make an appointment. At Pediatric ENT of Oklahoma, we will diagnose the ear infection and look for signs of healthy ear canal development.
Ear Tubes
Ear tubes are a well-known remedy for children who have repeat ear infections. This minor procedure can be done in the office at Pediatric ENT of Oklahoma. A doctor will insert a small tube into your baby’s ear to drain fluid. Ear tubes are recommended for children who have regular fluid buildup in the middle ear. Ear tubes can help reduce ear infections in infants because they allow air to enter the middle ear, and allow fluid to drain out. Most children recover from this minor procedure very quickly. In many cases, ear tubes fall out on their own within a year. Some tubes need to be surgically removed.
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
The Eustachian tube is a narrow tube that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose. Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) is when the tube does not open properly, preventing air from entering the middle ear. ETD causes increased air pressure on the outer side of the eardrum which pushes the eardrum inward. This pressure causes sound to be muffled. ETD can be painful and can last from several hours to several weeks.
Hearing Loss
Difficulty hearing at birth or in infancy can have devastating consequences on a child later in life. Most children experience minor hearing loss with ear infections. However, severe or frequent hearing loss is a serious problem which can affect speech development years down the road. Hearing loss must be diagnosed as soon as possible to minimize any language delay. At Pediatric ENT of Oklahoma, we are committed to giving your child the best possible start in life. Signs & Symptoms of Hearing Loss:
- Delayed speech
- Baby doesn’t startle with loud noises
- Selective hearing (high-pitched sounds versus low-pitched sounds)
- Trouble holding head steady
Otorrhea, or “Runny Ears” is ear drainage which may indicate inflammation of the middle or outer ear. Fluid may be clear, bloody, mucoid or waxy. It is common for children to have this condition. Ear drainage can have a variety of medical causes. Many kids who have “Runny Ears” also have hearing loss, dizziness, pain, pressure or itchiness in the ear canal. Because there are so many causes for otorrhea, it is critical a member of the team at Pediatric ENT of Oklahoma take do a comprehensive examination on your child.